As our environment is constantly changing, there is a lot to know in order to stay ahead. As owners of an innovative real estate brokerage in Toronto (North America's largest real estate board) Katie and Daniel Steinfeld also work daily with a whole lot of people who are looking for that edge to separate themselves from the pack. This podcast cuts through the noise. No gimmicks, no 12 step programs, no magic pill. It's real talk and useful content to dive into the topics that matter in today's real estate market. It's time to Level Up.
Monday Oct 05, 2020
042 - Handle Your Inbound Leads Properly
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
The number one thing we hear from new salespeople is 'where do I get my leads?' While that's a valid question, it isn't the most important one.
Sourcing leads is valuable, having a long list of names to call is great...but a lead is useless if you don't know what to do with them. In this episode, we're focusing specifically on the inbound leads you'll get through your online sources. Often you'll get an email address and nothing more, but we dive into how you should work with whatever information you have.
Not every lead will amount to business, but every lead only can become business if you approach them the right way.
It's time to level up how you deal with your inbound leads.
If you haven't yet joined the OTB 100, there's still time to catch up. Visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/otb100 to get the last 100 days 2020 focused on an organized approach to a HUGE 2021 with tangible and system driven tools (don't worry, it's all free).
Monday Sep 28, 2020
041 - You're A Business, Act Like It
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
When you're an entrepreneur, it's easy to lose sight of some of the less glamorous stuff - but that is the beginning of the end for you if you can't get your dollars straight.
This week on Level Up is a chat about getting a hold of your expenses and properly budgeting for the year ahead. You can do all the deals in the world, but if you are spending everything you're making...not a great approach.
For those people participating in the OTB100, this is a great precursor to our weekly session where we will dive into expense tracking. You can join the OTB100 by going to www.facebook.com/groups/otb100/
Monday Sep 21, 2020
040 - Level Up Your Goals
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
It's the eve of the long awaited "OTB100", where we take participants through the last 100 days of the year with a structured approach to entering 2021 with your head focused, and your plan in place.
What better way to prepare for the program, then by discussing the fuel for all the planning - your goals. You've got to establish where you want to be in order to get there - so before you start jumping into your master plan, have a listen, get your own focus, and GO GET IT!
You can join the OTB100 and engage in weekly free sessions that will help get your business in gear with useful tools and tangible resources - all for free. Come join at https://www.facebook.com/groups/615686455761905
In the meantime - it's time to level up your goals.
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
It all started when she wanted to buy a horse. Sometimes the drive to your 'why am I doing this?' can lead to amazing things. For Sara Kalke, it has meant she has propelled to being the number two salesperson in one of the biggest cities in the country, averaging over 100 transactions each year for the last four years, and...oh yeah...now she has FIVE horses.
Learn from the best in this episode as we talk about Sara's road to success, get some useful tips on building your own business to epic levels, and get to know this amazing woman even better.
It's time to level up your sales output. Enjoy!
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
When you are working on a team in real estate, there is a lot to consider...when you are building the team yourself, there is even more to think about - what about when you already work AS a team before you build one?
Chuck and Melissa Charlton of 'The Charlton Advantage Team' have built a successful business that has grown largely because of their systems and consistent approach to growing the team right. They are also a married couple who have done it all from scratch alongside one another. We talk to them about working as a couple, and dive into all sorts of topics about efficiency, balance, and what makes it all come together the right way.
Monday Aug 31, 2020
037 - Level Up Your Routine
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
24 hours in the day - how are you using yours?
In this episode, we discuss our routines and how we plan to make our days as productive as possible. There is the stuff you have to do, the stuff you want to do, and the things you never planned on doing, but do anyway...focus on planning, prioritizing, and getting it done so you can look back at the end of the day and feel good about it.
As you better yourself, your routine evolves with you - and as your routine evolves, you better yourself.
It's time to level up your routine.
Monday Aug 24, 2020
036 - Level Up Your Value Proposition - with special guest Ralph Ciancio
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
It is vital to establish what makes you different, what you bring to the table that will have clients choosing you over someone else. That's value, and you need to have a firm grasp of how you position yourself in a very competitive landscape.
Enter seasoned realtor Ralph Ciancio, who we chatted with to tell stories, share perspective, and ultimately drill down the key things to consider when you work to build your own value proposition. This one is a can't miss.
(note: audio was edited from full length video interview, certain sections may be a bit choppy)
Monday Aug 17, 2020
035 -Cold Call Like A Ninja - with special guest Mike Samrah
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
We've got a treat this episode.
This week, we're joined by the 'Prospecting Ninja' Mike Samrah, who has made a spectator sport out of cold calling. We talk to him about his process, the systems he uses, and really 'dial in' to what makes it all work for him.
It's time to get off the fence and dive into picking up the phone. It's time to level up your prospecting.
Monday Aug 10, 2020
034 - Real Estate Auctions
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
It has become commonplace to see blind bidding wars in real estate when the market is hot (and sometimes when it isn't). The concept of open real estate auctions is quite popular in countries around the world, but is only starting to show up in listings in Canada. As the owners of the brokerage that brought the concept to residential resale in Ontario, Daniel and Katie discuss how they built the auction approach, why it is a useful alternative for buyers and sellers, and how the whole process works.
Monday Aug 03, 2020
033 - Level Up Your Resilience
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Nobody gets it completely right all the time, and it's when the going gets tough that some people throw in the towel, and others dig in and keep going.
Whether you're starting your career and the fast track to success doesn't seem so fast, or you just want to quit doing the hard stuff, it is resilience that separates the achievers from everyone else. In this episode we break down the importance of being resilient and share some of the key tips and approaches you need to take to stay on course despite the hardship.
It's time to level up your resilience.